The backend is one of the integral parts of a modern web application and PHP is one of the most preferred platforms. Making the correct choice of PHP framework for your business is a tough choice as there is a zillion option available. One such choice is Laravel which was first introduced by Taylor Otwell in 2011. It was at first, created for MVC architecture, but it meets all current requirements like event handling and user authentication.
Laravel Development has become the most popular undertakings of the PHP framework. Fast development speed, quick institution, and extension ability have helped it to make a grasp among developers.
In this article, you will get to know the 5 reasons why you should choose Laravel , laravel developers and how it is going to be the future of Web Development.
#1. Rapid Application Development –
It is very important to develop fast web applications these days foraccelerating revenues. Laravel has many features that enable it to make speedy developments; one such feature is caching which allows the user to store objects in a database or file. For a web developer, it is very important that the data remains cached. You can improve the efficiency of net utility and also increase the performance of your application by integrating a caching system. Its own lightweight templating engine called Blade also facilitates faster development. Laravel comes with a considerable set of libraries and helpers for maintaining such large functionalities by which elite design goals can be accomplished with minimal effort. Rapid development and implementation results in the much faster generation of revenue.
#2. Hassle Free Customisation and Open-Source –
You can easily customize your project when you need uniquespecifications and broad ideas. Laravel framework already comeswith packages related to the development of different businessesbut it is possible to change it further.It has a feature Spark which allows you to customize the backend tobetter suit your needs.One of the major benefits that you get in choosing Laravel is that itsopen source. It is free and available without any difficulty on theinternet. It features a simple process to make compound webapplications, all by code maintenance. The main purpose of Laravel design is to build multi-view controller architecture web applications. compatible with web hosting accounts, one can easily develop complex web applications using this framework. Laravel has a robust development community with continuous support which makes significant contributions every day.
#3. Laravel’s Template Engine –
Laravel provides several lightweight templates and widgets to allow you to build dynamic layouts using content seeding, the default template it uses is called Blade. The widgets are incorporated with CSS and JS codes with robust structures. It provides built-in web templates for separate areas of your application. With Laravel, you can create simple as well as complex layouts for different sections. The blade is fast in furnishing views as it caches the view until they are changed. Laravel Blade template is quite impressive; all the files Laravel are stored with .blade.php extensions. Unlike other PHP templating engines, Blade does not stop you from using plane PHP codes; Blade adds zero overhead to your application. Two of the main basic benefits of Blade is template inheritance and sections.
#4. Considers the Prime Requirement of Security –
Laravel makes implementing validation very simple. Laravel’s authentication features consist of ‘guards’ and ‘providers’. Laravel ships with a session guard which takes care of the state using session and cookies. Providers illustrate how users are reclaimed from your pertinacious storage. Laravel is, shipped with support for retrieving users; you are also free to define your own additional providers as required. Laravel is a very secure platform and helps to secure a web application, it protects serious security threats against SQL injections, cross-site request forgery and crosses site scripting. It does so by being an intermediate function that keeps a check and authorizes things at the front with enabled effects before giving access to the actual application and data.
#5. Local Development Environment adds more Value – Homestead –
Laravel also includes a local development environment called Homestead which is a packaged vagrant box. Vagrant provides a simple way to superintend and provision Virtual Machines and a wonderful development environment with no installation of PHP, a web server, or any other server software on your machine.
Vagrant boxes are completely disposable assisting in destroying and recreating it if something goeswrong. It also has a Laracast and Laravel Cashier. Laracasts is the defacto educational resource specifically for building the web with PHP and JavaScript. There are hundreds of video tutorials with each adding up every week. Laravel Cashier has the job of maintaining painless billing and many more related services.
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Author Bio:
Nancy Patterson is a Marketing Manager a Hire Php Developer. She is a resident of United Kingdom. nancy is also an experienced Php developer. She also likes to share her thoughts , cms development,laravel developments, and web development techniques.